Functional programming in javascript

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Functional programming is one of the many programming paradigm that is followed in software industry. You probably have heard of Object oriented programming which is another programming paradigm that is quite popular. Paradigms generally refer to rules or techniques as to how you should structure your code in order to solve any problem statement. In a nutshell, functional programming is about composing the problem into a bunch of small and reusable functions that takes some inputs and return a result. With the help of these simple functions we can solve complex problems.

The next question that might arise in your mind is Well! what is the need or benefits of using this paradigm? The answer is these functions are concise, easier to debug, easier to test and more scalable. Apart from this we can also run multiple functions in parallel and take the advantage of different cores of CPU to boost our performance. These are the reasons because of which functional programming has gained quite a bit of ground in recent years. Now there are various languages that are mainly designed for functional programming like clojure, haskell, etc.; javascript is a multi-paradigm programming language.

Functions as first-class variables

In javascript, functions are first-class variables which means:

function greet(func){
function sayHeyThere(){
    // anonymous function
    return function(){
        return "Hey There";

Higher Order functions

In the above example; the functions greet() and sayHeyThere() have special terminology i.e. higher order functions. These are those functions that either take other functions as arguments or return functions or both.They are called so because instead of working on strings, numbers or booleans; it goes a level higher and operate on functions. You probably have worked on map(), filter(), setTimeout() and reduce(). These are higher order functions since they operate on functions.

Function composition

Let us understand the meaning of function composition with a scenario. Consider we’re given a string with padded spaces. We have to trim the input, convert the input to lowercase and wrap a <div> around it. One of the may ways would be:

let input = "   Hello World!  ";
let output = `<div>${input.trim().toLowerCase()}</div>`;

Hmmm…:thinking: not bad! but the above code is non-functional. Let me try to code above scenario using functional style.

import { pipe } from 'loadash/fp';
// trim
const trim = str => str.trim();
// lowercase
const lowerCase = str => str.toLowerCase();
// wrapInDiv
const wrapInDiv = str => `<div>${str}</div>`;

const result = wrapInDiv(lowerCase(trim(input))); // function composition
// To improve readability and remove nested parenthesis we can use loadash
const transform = pipe(trim, lowerCase, wrapInDiv);
transform(input); // <div>hello world!</div>

The above code serves as the example of function composition where wrapInDiv() function composes trim().


In simpler terms, currying is a technique of converting a function with multiple parameters to a function with just one parameter without altering the purpose the former function served. Hmmm…definitions are boring:sleepy:, show me the code example. Let’s take a classic example then to study currying in isolation:

function add(a, b){
    return a + b;
// Currying
function add1(a){
    return function(b){
        return a + b;

add1(4)(7); // 11

As we can see in the above example, in add() function there are two arguments separated by comma but in add1() we have converted the add() function with same purpose but with single parameter using currying. The next question that arises is Okay! we converted the function with n arguments to just 1 argument. But what is the advantage. Let us consider our previous scenario i.e. trim the input, convert the input to lowercase and wrap a <div> around it. Now what if suddenly there comes the requirement that instead of <div>, we need to generalize it to other tags as well i.e. <span>. Let me tell you my approach to do it.

const wrap = (tag, str)  => `<${tag}>${str}</${tag}>`;

But, in the above code there is a problem if we try to integrate it with loadash/fp pipe() function. It expects to return a function but returns a string. So, what shall we do:thinking:? You guessed it right, we can use use currying to solve our problem.

const wrap = tag => str => `<${tag}>${str}</${tag}>`;
import { pipe } from 'loadash/fp';
// trim
const trim = str => str.trim();
// lowercase
const lowerCase = str => str.toLowerCase();
// wrap
const wrap = tag => str  => `<${tag}>${str}</${tag}>`;

// To improve readability and remove nested parenthesis we can use loadash
const transform = pipe(trim, lowerCase, wrap('span'));
transform(input); // <span>hello world!</span>

Pure Functions

A pure function is a function to which if we give same argument should always return same result. What do you think about the below example?Is it a pure function?

function someFunction(num){
    return num * Math.random();

Yes, you guessed it right. It’s not a pure function because it will return different result although we pass same input to it. In contrast, below function is a pure function:

function someOtherFunction(num){
    return num * 2;

In pure functions, we cannot use:

If you have worked on redux, you probably have heard that the reducers should be pure functions.

You probably might ask are there some examples to demonstrate the third point. Well, there are many but let me give one easy example:

function isEligible(age){
    return age >= eligibleAge;

The above function isEligible() is not pure because it depends on eligibleAge which is not local and if we change its value the overall result from the function changes. So if we want to convert this function to a pure one, we need to pass eligibleAge to its parameter.

Benefits of pure function


These are some key terminologies which are key to functional programming in javascript. There is one major concept i.e. immutability which also is generally covered within functional programming paradigm but I’ll discuss them in some other article.