Set interface in Java


  1. Set is the child interface of Collection.
  2. If we want to represent a group of individual objects as a single entity where duplicates are not allowed and insertion order is not preserved.
  3. Set interface doesn’t contain any new method and we have to use only Collection interface methods.

Implementation classes for Set interface

1. HashSet

NOTE: In HashSet duplicates are not allowed. If we are trying to insert duplicates, then we won’t get any Compile-time or Runtime errors and add method simply returns false.

HashSet h = new HashSet();
System.out.println(h.add('A')); //returns true
System.out.println(h.add('A')); // returns false 


HashSet h = new HashSet();
HashSet h = new HashSet(int initialCapacity);
HashSet h = new HashSet(int initialCapacity, float fillRatio);
HashSet h = new HashSet(Collection c);

Note: Fill ratio or Load Factor: After filling how much ratio, a new HashSet object will be created, this ratio is called Fill ratio or load-factor. For e.g. fill ratio 0.75 means after filling 75% ratio a new HashSet object will be created.

Implementation demo

public static void main(String[] args){
    HashSet h = new HashSet();
    System.out.println(h.add("Z")); // false
    System.out.println(h); // [Undefined order]

2. LinkedHashSet

HashSet LinkedHashSet
1. The underlying data structure is hash table. The underlying data structure is a combination of linked list and hash table.
2. Insertion order is not preserved. Insertion order is preserved.
3. Introduced in java 1.2 version. Introduced in 1.4 version.

In the above HashSet implementation demo, if we replace HashSet with LinkedHashSet, then the output is [B, C, D, Z, null, 10] i.e. insertion order is preserved.

Note: In general, we can use LinkedHashSet to develop Cache based application.

3. SortedSet

// Returns first element of the SortedSet.
public Object first();
// Returns last element of the SortedSet.
public Object last();
// Returns SortedSet whose elements are less than obj
public SortedSet headSet(Object obj);
// Returns SortedSet whose elements are more than or equal to obj.
public SortedSet tailSet(Object obj);
// Returns SortedSet whose elements are greater than or equal to obj1 and less than obj2.
public SortedSet subSet(Object obj1, Object obj2);
// Returns Comparator object that describes underlying sorting technique. If we are using default natural sorting order then we will get null.
public Comparator comparator();

Note: The default natural sorting order for numbers is ascending order and for String objects is alphabetical order.


Let the set has values:

$[100, 101, 104, 106, 110, 115, 120]$

System.out.println(first()); // 100
System.out.println(last()); // 120
System.out.println(headSet(106)); // [100, 101, 104]
System.out.println(tailSet(106)); // [106, 110, 115, 120]
System.out.println(subSet(101, 115)); // [101, 104, 106, 110]
System.out.println(comparator()); // null since the given Set is in default natural order i.e. Ascending. 

4. TreeSet


TreeSet t = new TreeSet();
TreeSet t = new TreeSet(Comparator c);
TreeSet t = new TreeSet(Collection c);


TreeSet t = new TreeSet(SortedSet s);

Implementation demo 1:

public static void main(String[] args){
        TreeSet treeSet = new TreeSet();
        // treeSet.add(10); --> results in ClassCastException
        // treeSet.add(null);
        System.out.println(treeSet); // [A, B, L, Z, a]
Null Acceptance in TreeSet

NOTE: Till java 1.6 version, null is allowed as the first element to the empty TreeSet but from 1.7 version onwards null is not allowed even as the first element i.e. ‘null is not applicable for TreeSet from 1.7 version onwards’.

Implementation demo 2:

public static void main(String[] args){
    TreeSet treeSet = new TreeSet();
    treeSet.add(new StringBuffer("A"));
    treeSet.add(new StringBuffer("L"));
    treeSet.add(new StringBuffer("Z"));
    treeSet.add(new StringBuffer("B"));
    System.out.println(treeSet); // --> Gives ClassCastException

Note: If default natural sorting order is not available then we can go for customized sorting by using Comparator interface i.e. Comparable meant for default natural sorting order whereas Comparator meant for customized sorting order.

Comparison table of Set implemented classes

Properties HashSet LinkedHashSet TreeSet
1. Underlying data structures Hash table Linked list and Hash table Balanced binary tree.
2. Duplicate objects Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
3. Insertion order Not preserved Preserved Not preserved
4. Sorting order Not Applicable Not Applicable Applicable
5. Heterogenous objects Allowed Allowed Not allowed. Special cases allowed when we use Comparator
6. null acceptance Allowed Allowed Allowed only in particular cases.

In the next blog post I’ll share my learning on Comparator interface and its usage.